Source code for tensiometer.mcmc_tension.kde



For test purposes:

from getdist import loadMCSamples, MCSamples, WeightedSamples
chain_1 = loadMCSamples('./test_chains/DES')
chain_2 = loadMCSamples('./test_chains/Planck18TTTEEE')
chain_12 = loadMCSamples('./test_chains/Planck18TTTEEE_DES')
chain_prior = loadMCSamples('./test_chains/prior')

import tensiometer.utilities as utils
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

diff_chain = parameter_diff_chain(chain_1, chain_2, boost=1)
num_params, num_samples = diff_chain.samples.T.shape

param_names = None
scale = None
method = 'brute_force'
n_threads = 1

# initial imports and set-up:

import os
import time
import gc
from numba import jit
import numpy as np
import getdist.chains as gchains
gchains.print_load_details = False
from getdist import MCSamples, WeightedSamples
import scipy
from scipy.linalg import sqrtm
from scipy.integrate import simps
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree

from .. import utilities as utils

# imports for parallel calculations:
import multiprocessing
import joblib
# number of threads available:
if 'OMP_NUM_THREADS' in os.environ.keys():
    n_threads = int(os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'])
    n_threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

# KDE bandwidth selection:

[docs]def Scotts_bandwidth(num_params, num_samples): """ Compute Scott's rule of thumb bandwidth covariance scaling. This should be a fast approximation of the 1d MISE estimate. :param num_params: the number of parameters in the chain. :param num_samples: the number of samples in the chain. :return: Scott's scaling matrix. :reference: Chacón, J. E., Duong, T. (2018).  Multivariate Kernel Smoothing and Its Applications.  United States: CRC Press. """ return num_samples**(-2./(num_params+4.)) * np.identity(int(num_params))
[docs]def AMISE_bandwidth(num_params, num_samples): """ Compute Silverman's rule of thumb bandwidth covariance scaling AMISE. This is the default scaling that is used to compute the KDE estimate of parameter shifts. :param num_params: the number of parameters in the chain. :param num_samples: the number of samples in the chain. :return: AMISE bandwidth matrix. :reference: Chacón, J. E., Duong, T. (2018).  Multivariate Kernel Smoothing and Its Applications.  United States: CRC Press. """ coeff = (num_samples * (num_params + 2.) / 4.)**(-2. / (num_params + 4.)) return coeff * np.identity(int(num_params))
[docs]def MAX_bandwidth(num_params, num_samples): """ Compute the maximum bandwidth matrix. This bandwidth is generally oversmoothing. :param num_params: the number of parameters in the chain. :param num_samples: the number of samples in the chain. :return: MAX bandwidth matrix. :reference: Chacón, J. E., Duong, T. (2018).  Multivariate Kernel Smoothing and Its Applications.  United States: CRC Press. """ d, n = num_params, num_samples coeff = (d + 8.)**((d + 6.) / (d + 4.)) / 4. coeff = coeff*(1./n/(d + 2.)/scipy.special.gamma(d/2. + 4))**(2./(d + 4.)) return coeff*np.identity(int(num_params))
@jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True) def _mise1d_optimizer(alpha, d, n): """ Utility function that is minimized to obtain the MISE 1d bandwidth. """ tmp = 2**(-d/2.) - 2/(2 + alpha)**(d/2.) + (2 + 2*alpha)**(-d/2.) \ + (alpha**(-d/2.) - (1 + alpha)**(-d/2.))/(2**(d/2.)*n) return tmp @jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True) def _mise1d_optimizer_jac(alpha, d, n): """ Jacobian of the MISE 1d bandwidth optimizer. """ tmp = d*(2 + alpha)**(-1 - d/2.) - d*(2 + 2*alpha)**(-1 - d/2.) \ + (2**(-1 - d/2.)*d*(-alpha**(-1 - d/2.) + (1 + alpha)**(-1 - d/2.)))/n return tmp
[docs]def MISE_bandwidth_1d(num_params, num_samples, **kwargs): """ Computes the MISE bandwidth matrix. All coordinates are considered the same so the MISE estimate just rescales the identity matrix. :param num_params: the number of parameters in the chain. :param num_samples: the number of samples in the chain. :param kwargs: optional arguments to be passed to the optimizer algorithm. :return: MISE 1d bandwidth matrix. :reference: Chacón, J. E., Duong, T. (2018).  Multivariate Kernel Smoothing and Its Applications.  United States: CRC Press. """ # initial calculations: alpha0 = kwargs.pop('alpha0', None) if alpha0 is None: alpha0 = AMISE_bandwidth(num_params, num_samples)[0, 0] d, n = num_params, num_samples # explicit optimization: opt = scipy.optimize.minimize(lambda alpha: _mise1d_optimizer(np.exp(alpha), d, n), np.log(alpha0), jac=lambda alpha: _mise1d_optimizer_jac(np.exp(alpha), d, n), **kwargs) # check for success: if not opt.success: print(opt) # return np.exp(opt.x[0]) * np.identity(num_params)
@jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True) def _mise_optimizer(H, d, n): """ Optimizer function to compute the MISE over the space of SPD matrices. """ Id = np.identity(d) tmp = 1./np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(2.*H))/n tmp = tmp + (1.-1./n)/np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(2.*H + 2.*Id)) \ - 2./np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(H + 2.*Id)) + np.power(2., -d/2.) return tmp
[docs]def MISE_bandwidth(num_params, num_samples, feedback=0, **kwargs): """ Computes the MISE bandwidth matrix by numerically minimizing the MISE over the space of positive definite symmetric matrices. :param num_params: the number of parameters in the chain. :param num_samples: the number of samples in the chain. :param feedback: feedback level. If > 2 prints a lot of information. :param kwargs: optional arguments to be passed to the optimizer algorithm. :return: MISE bandwidth matrix. :reference: Chacón, J. E., Duong, T. (2018).  Multivariate Kernel Smoothing and Its Applications.  United States: CRC Press. """ # initial calculations: alpha0 = kwargs.pop('alpha0', None) if alpha0 is None: alpha0 = MISE_bandwidth_1d(num_params, num_samples) alpha0 = utils.PDM_to_vector(alpha0) d, n = num_params, num_samples # build a constraint: bounds = kwargs.pop('bounds', None) if bounds is None: bounds = np.array([[None, None] for i in range(d*(d+1)//2)]) bounds[np.tril_indices(d, 0)[0] == np.tril_indices(d, 0)[1]] = [alpha0[0]/100, alpha0[0]*100] # explicit optimization: opt = scipy.optimize.minimize(lambda x: _mise_optimizer(utils.vector_to_PDM(x), d, n), x0=alpha0, bounds=bounds, **kwargs) # check for success: if not opt.success or feedback > 2: print('MISE_bandwidth') print(opt) # return utils.vector_to_PDM(opt.x)
@jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, parallel=True) def _UCV_optimizer_brute_force(H, weights, white_samples): """ Optimizer for the cross validation bandwidth estimator. This does the computation with a brite force algorithm that scales as :math:`n_{\\rm samples}^2`. For this reason this is really never used. Note this solves for sqrt(H). """ # digest: n, d = white_samples.shape fac = 2**(-d/2.) # compute the weights vectors: wtot = np.sum(weights) neff = wtot**2 / np.sum(weights**2) alpha = wtot / (wtot - weights) # compute determinant: detH = np.linalg.det(H) # whiten samples with inverse H: samps = # brute force summation: res = 0. for i in range(1, n): for j in range(i): temp_samp = samps[i]-samps[j] r2 =, temp_samp) temp = fac*np.exp(-0.25*r2) - 2.*alpha[i]*np.exp(-0.5*r2) res += weights[i]*weights[j]*temp res = 2. * res / wtot**2 # return (fac/neff + res)/detH def _UCV_optimizer_nearest(H, weights, white_samples, n_nearest=20): """ Optimizer for the cross validation bandwidth estimator. This does the computation uses a truncated KD-tree keeping only a limited number of nearest neighbours. Note this solves for sqrt(H). This is the algorithm that is always used in practice. """ # digest: n, d = white_samples.shape fac = 2**(-d/2.) # compute the weights vectors: wtot = np.sum(weights) neff = wtot**2 / np.sum(weights**2) alpha = wtot / (wtot - weights) # compute determinant: detH = np.linalg.det(H) # whiten samples with inverse H: samps = # KD-tree computation: data_tree = cKDTree(samps, balanced_tree=True) # query for nearest neighbour: r2, idx = data_tree.query(samps, np.arange(2, n_nearest), workers=-1) r2 = np.square(r2) temp = weights[:, None]*weights[idx]*(fac*np.exp(-0.25*r2) - 2.*np.exp(-0.5*r2)*alpha[:, None]) res = np.sum(temp) / wtot**2 # return (fac/neff + res)/detH
[docs]def UCV_bandwidth(weights, white_samples, alpha0=None, feedback=0, mode='full', **kwargs): """ Computes the optimal unbiased cross validation bandwidth for the input samples by numerical minimization. :param weights: input sample weights. :param white_samples: pre-whitened samples (identity covariance) :param alpha0: (optional) initial guess for the bandwidth. If none is given then the AMISE band is used as the starting point for minimization. :param feedback: (optional) how verbose is the algorithm. Default is zero. :param mode: (optional) selects the space for minimization. Default is over the full space of SPD matrices. Other options are `diag` to perform minimization over diagonal matrices and `1d` to perform minimization over matrices that are proportional to the identity. :param kwargs: other arguments passed to :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize` :return: UCV bandwidth matrix. :reference: Chacón, J. E., Duong, T. (2018).  Multivariate Kernel Smoothing and Its Applications.  United States: CRC Press. """ # digest input: n, d = white_samples.shape n_nearest = kwargs.pop('n_nearest', 20) # get number of effective samples: wtot = np.sum(weights) neff = wtot**2 / np.sum(weights**2) # initial guess calculations: t0 = time.time() if alpha0 is None: alpha0 = AMISE_bandwidth(d, neff) # select mode: if mode == '1d': opt = scipy.optimize.minimize(lambda alpha: _UCV_optimizer_nearest(np.sqrt(np.exp(alpha)) * np.identity(d), weights, white_samples, n_nearest), np.log(alpha0[0, 0]), **kwargs) res = np.exp(opt.x[0]) * np.identity(d) elif mode == 'diag': opt = scipy.optimize.minimize(lambda alpha: _UCV_optimizer_nearest(np.diag(np.sqrt(np.exp(alpha))), weights, white_samples, n_nearest), x0=np.log(np.diag(alpha0)), **kwargs) res = np.diag(np.exp(opt.x)) elif mode == 'full': # build a constraint: bounds = kwargs.pop('bounds', None) if bounds is None: bounds = np.array([[None, None] for i in range(d*(d+1)//2)]) bounds[np.tril_indices(d, 0)[0] == np.tril_indices(d, 0)[1]] = [alpha0[0, 0]/10, alpha0[0, 0]*10] # explicit optimization: alpha0 = utils.PDM_to_vector(sqrtm(alpha0)) opt = scipy.optimize.minimize(lambda alpha: _UCV_optimizer_nearest(utils.vector_to_PDM(alpha), weights, white_samples, n_nearest), x0=alpha0, bounds=bounds, **kwargs) res = utils.vector_to_PDM(opt.x) res =, res) # check for success and final feedback: if not opt.success or feedback > 2: print(opt) if feedback > 0: t1 = time.time() print('Time taken for UCV_bandwidth '+mode+' calculation:', round(t1-t0, 1), '(s)') # return res
[docs]def UCV_SP_bandwidth(white_samples, weights, feedback=0, near=1, near_max=20): """ Computes the optimal unbiased cross validation bandwidth scaling for the BALL sampling point KDE estimator. :param white_samples: pre-whitened samples (identity covariance). :param weights: input sample weights. :param feedback: (optional) how verbose is the algorithm. Default is zero. :param near: (optional) number of nearest neighbour to use. Default is 1. :param near_max: (optional) number of nearest neighbour to use for the UCV calculation. Default is 20. """ # digest input: n, d = white_samples.shape fac = 2**(-d/2.) t0 = time.time() # prepare the Tree with the samples: data_tree = cKDTree(white_samples, balanced_tree=True) # compute the weights vectors: wtot = np.sum(weights) weights2 = weights**2 neff = wtot**2 / np.sum(weights2) alpha = wtot / (wtot - weights) # query the Tree for the maximum number of nearest neighbours: dist, idx = data_tree.query(white_samples, np.arange(2, near_max+1), workers=-1) r2 = np.square(dist) # do all sort of precomputations: R = dist[:, near] R2 = r2[:, near] R2s = R2[:, None] + R2[idx] term_1 = fac*np.sum(weights2/R**d) weight_term = weights[:, None]*weights[idx] R2sd = R2s**(-d/2) Rd = R[:, None]**d R21 = r2/R2s R22 = r2/R2[:, None] alpha_temp = alpha[:, None] # define helper for minimization: @jit(nopython=True) def _helper(gamma): # compute the i != j sum: temp = weight_term*(R2sd*gamma**(-d/2)*np.exp(-0.5*R21/gamma) - 2.*alpha_temp/Rd/gamma**d*np.exp(-0.5*R22/gamma)) # sum: _ucv = term_1/gamma**d + np.sum(temp) _ucv = _ucv / wtot**2 # return _ucv # initial guess: x0 = AMISE_bandwidth(d, neff)[0, 0] # call optimizer: res = scipy.optimize.minimize(lambda x: _helper(np.exp(x)), x0=np.log(x0), method='Nelder-Mead') res.x = np.exp(res.x) # if feedback > 0: t1 = time.time() print('Time taken for UCV_SP_bandwidth calculation:', round(t1-t0, 1), '(s)') # return res
[docs]def OptimizeBandwidth_1D(diff_chain, param_names=None, num_bins=1000): """ Compute an estimate of an optimal bandwidth for covariance scaling as in GetDist. This is performed on whitened samples (with identity covariance), in 1D, and then scaled up with a dimensionality correction. :param diff_chain: :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` input parameter difference chain :param param_names: (optional) parameter names of the parameters to be used in the calculation. By default all running parameters. :param num_bins: number of bins used for the 1D estimate :return: scaling vector for the whitened parameters """ # initialize param names: if param_names is None: param_names = diff_chain.getParamNames().getRunningNames() else: chain_params = diff_chain.getParamNames().list() if not np.all([name in chain_params for name in param_names]): raise ValueError('Input parameter is not in the diff chain.\n', 'Input parameters ', param_names, '\n' 'Possible parameters', chain_params) # indexes: ind = [diff_chain.index[name] for name in param_names] # some initial calculations: _samples_cov = diff_chain.cov(pars=param_names) _num_params = len(ind) # whiten the samples: _temp = sqrtm(utils.QR_inverse(_samples_cov)) white_samples = diff_chain.samples[:, ind].dot(_temp) # make these samples so that we can use GetDist band optization: temp_samples = MCSamples(samples=white_samples, weights=diff_chain.weights, ignore_rows=0, sampler=diff_chain.sampler) # now get optimal band for each parameter: bands = [] for i in range(_num_params): # get the parameter: par = temp_samples._initParamRanges(i, paramConfid=None) # get the bins: temp_result = temp_samples._binSamples(temp_samples.samples[:, i], par, num_bins) bin_indices, bin_width, binmin, binmax = temp_result bins = np.bincount(bin_indices, weights=temp_samples.weights, minlength=num_bins) # get the optimal smoothing scale: N_eff = temp_samples._get1DNeff(par, i) band = temp_samples.getAutoBandwidth1D(bins, par, i, N_eff=N_eff, mult_bias_correction_order=0, kernel_order=0) \ * (binmax - binmin) # correction for dimensionality: dim_factor = Scotts_bandwidth(_num_params, N_eff)[0, 0]/Scotts_bandwidth(1., N_eff)[0, 0] # bands.append(band**2.*dim_factor) # return np.array(bands)
############################################################################### # Parameter difference integrals: def _gauss_kde_logpdf(x, samples, weights): """ Utility function to compute the Gaussian log KDE probability at x from already whitened samples, possibly with weights. Normalization constants are ignored. """ X = x-samples return scipy.special.logsumexp(-0.5*(X*X).sum(axis=1), b=weights) def _gauss_ballkde_logpdf(x, samples, weights, distance_weights): """ Utility function to compute the Gaussian log KDE probability with variable ball bandwidth at x from already whitened samples, possibly with weights. Each element has its own smoothing scale that is passed as `distance_weights`. Normalization constants are ignored. """ X = x-samples return scipy.special.logsumexp(-0.5*(X*X).sum(axis=1)/distance_weights**2, b=weights) def _gauss_ellkde_logpdf(x, samples, weights, distance_weights): """ Utility function to compute the Gaussian log KDE probability with variable ellipsoid bandwidth at x from already whitened samples, possibly with weights. Each element has its own smoothing matrix that is passed as `distance_weights`. Normalization constants are ignored. """ X = x-samples X = np.einsum('...j,...jk,...k', X, distance_weights, X) return scipy.special.logsumexp(-0.5*X, b=weights) def _brute_force_kde_param_shift(white_samples, weights, zero_prob, num_samples, feedback, weights_norm=None, distance_weights=None): """ Brute force parallelized algorithm for parameter shift. """ # get feedback: if feedback > 1: from tqdm import tqdm def feedback_helper(x): return tqdm(x, ascii=True) else: def feedback_helper(x): return x # prepare: if distance_weights is not None: if len(distance_weights.shape) == 1: _num_params = white_samples.shape[1] weights_norm = weights/distance_weights**_num_params _log_pdf = _gauss_ballkde_logpdf _args = white_samples, weights_norm, distance_weights if len(distance_weights.shape) == 3: _log_pdf = _gauss_ellkde_logpdf _args = white_samples, weights_norm, distance_weights else: _log_pdf = _gauss_kde_logpdf _args = white_samples, weights # run: with joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=n_threads) as parallel: _kde_eval_pdf = parallel(joblib.delayed(_log_pdf) (samp, *_args) for samp in feedback_helper(white_samples)) # filter for probability calculation: _filter = _kde_eval_pdf > zero_prob # compute number of filtered elements: _num_filtered = np.sum(weights[_filter]) # return _num_filtered def _neighbor_parameter_shift(white_samples, weights, zero_prob, num_samples, feedback, weights_norm=None, distance_weights=None, **kwargs): """ Parameter shift calculation through neighbour elimination. """ # import specific for this function: if feedback > 1: from tqdm import tqdm def feedback_helper(x): return tqdm(x, ascii=True) else: def feedback_helper(x): return x # get options: stable_cycle = kwargs.get('stable_cycle', 2) chunk_size = kwargs.get('chunk_size', 40) smallest_improvement = kwargs.get('smallest_improvement', 1.e-4) # the tree elimination has to work with probabilities to go incremental: _zero_prob = np.exp(zero_prob) # build tree: if feedback > 1: print('Building KD-Tree with leafsize =', 10*chunk_size) data_tree = cKDTree(white_samples, leafsize=10*chunk_size, balanced_tree=True) # make sure that the weights are floats: _weights = weights.astype(float) # initialize the calculation to zero: _num_elements = len(_weights) _kde_eval_pdf = np.zeros(_num_elements) _filter = np.ones(_num_elements, dtype=bool) _last_n = 0 _stable_cycle = 0 # loop over the neighbours: if feedback > 1: print('Neighbours elimination') for i in range(_num_elements//chunk_size): ind_min = chunk_size*i ind_max = chunk_size*i+chunk_size _dist, _ind = data_tree.query(white_samples[_filter], ind_max, workers=-1) if distance_weights is not None: if len(distance_weights.shape) == 1: # BALL case: _kde_eval_pdf[_filter] += np.sum( weights_norm[_ind[:, ind_min:ind_max]] * np.exp(-0.5*np.square(_dist[:, ind_min:ind_max]/distance_weights[_ind[:, ind_min:ind_max]])), axis=1) if len(distance_weights.shape) == 3: # ELL case: X = white_samples[_ind[:, ind_min:ind_max]] - white_samples[_ind[:, 0], np.newaxis, :] d2 = np.einsum('...j,...jk,...k', X, distance_weights[_ind[:, ind_min:ind_max]], X) _kde_eval_pdf[_filter] += np.sum( weights_norm[_ind[:, ind_min:ind_max]] * np.exp(-0.5*d2), axis=1) else: # standard case: _kde_eval_pdf[_filter] += np.sum( _weights[_ind[:, ind_min:ind_max]] * np.exp(-0.5*np.square(_dist[:, ind_min:ind_max])), axis=1) _filter[_filter] = _kde_eval_pdf[_filter] < _zero_prob _num_filtered = np.sum(_filter) if feedback > 2: print('neighbor_elimination: chunk', i+1) print(' surviving elements', _num_filtered, 'of', _num_elements) # check if calculation has converged: _term_check = float(np.abs(_num_filtered-_last_n)) \ / float(_num_elements) < smallest_improvement if _term_check and _num_filtered < _num_elements: _stable_cycle += 1 if _stable_cycle >= stable_cycle: break elif not _term_check and _stable_cycle > 0: _stable_cycle = 0 elif _num_filtered == 0: break else: _last_n = _num_filtered # clean up memory: del(data_tree) # brute force the leftovers: if feedback > 1: print('neighbor_elimination: polishing') # prepare: if distance_weights is not None: if len(distance_weights.shape) == 1: _num_params = white_samples.shape[1] weights_norm = weights/distance_weights**_num_params _log_pdf = _gauss_ballkde_logpdf _args = white_samples, weights_norm, distance_weights if len(distance_weights.shape) == 3: _log_pdf = _gauss_ellkde_logpdf _args = white_samples, weights_norm, distance_weights else: _log_pdf = _gauss_kde_logpdf _args = white_samples, weights # run: with joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=n_threads) as parallel: _kde_eval_pdf[_filter] = parallel(joblib.delayed(_log_pdf) (samp, *_args) for samp in feedback_helper(white_samples[_filter])) _filter[_filter] = _kde_eval_pdf[_filter] < np.log(_zero_prob) if feedback > 1: print(' surviving elements', np.sum(_filter), 'of', _num_elements) # compute number of filtered elements: _num_filtered = num_samples - np.sum(weights[_filter]) # return _num_filtered
[docs]def kde_parameter_shift_1D_fft(diff_chain, param_names=None, scale=None, nbins=1024, feedback=1, boundary_correction_order=1, mult_bias_correction_order=1, **kwarks): """ Compute the MCMC estimate of the probability of a parameter shift given an input parameter difference chain in 1 dimension and by using FFT. This function uses GetDist 1D fft and optimal bandwidth estimates to perform the MCMC parameter shift integral discussed in (`Raveri, Zacharegkas and Hu 19 <>`_). :param diff_chain: :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` input parameter difference chain :param param_names: (optional) parameter names of the parameters to be used in the calculation. By default all running parameters. :param scale: (optional) scale for the KDE smoothing. If none is provided the algorithm uses GetDist optimized bandwidth. :param nbins: (optional) number of 1D bins for the fft. Powers of 2 work best. Default is 1024. :param mult_bias_correction_order: (optional) multiplicative bias correction passed to GetDist. See :meth:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples.get2DDensity`. :param boundary_correction_order: (optional) boundary correction passed to GetDist. See :meth:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples.get2DDensity`. :param feedback: (optional) print to screen the time taken for the calculation. :return: probability value and error estimate. :reference: `Raveri, Zacharegkas and Hu 19 <>`_ """ # initialize param names: if param_names is None: param_names = diff_chain.getParamNames().getRunningNames() else: chain_params = diff_chain.getParamNames().list() if not np.all([name in chain_params for name in param_names]): raise ValueError('Input parameter is not in the diff chain.\n', 'Input parameters ', param_names, '\n' 'Possible parameters', chain_params) # check that we only have two parameters: if len(param_names) != 1: raise ValueError('Calling 1D algorithm with more than 1 parameters') # initialize scale: if scale is None or isinstance(scale, str): scale = -1 # indexes: ind = [diff_chain.index[name] for name in param_names] # compute the density with GetDist: t0 = time.time() density = diff_chain.get1DDensity(name=ind[0], normalized=True, num_bins=nbins, smooth_scale_1D=scale, boundary_correction_order=boundary_correction_order, mult_bias_correction_order=mult_bias_correction_order) # initialize the spline: density._initSpline() # get density of zero: prob_zero = density.Prob([0.])[0] # do the MC integral: probs = density.Prob(diff_chain.samples[:, ind[0]]) # filter: _filter = probs > prob_zero # if there are samples above zero then use MC: if np.sum(_filter) > 0: _num_filtered = float(np.sum(diff_chain.weights[_filter])) _num_samples = float(np.sum(diff_chain.weights)) _P = float(_num_filtered)/float(_num_samples) _low, _upper = utils.clopper_pearson_binomial_trial(_num_filtered, _num_samples, alpha=0.32) # if there are no samples try to do the integral: else: norm = simps(density.P, density.x) _second_filter = density.P < prob_zero density.P[_second_filter] = 0 _P = simps(density.P, density.x)/norm _low, _upper = None, None # t1 = time.time() if feedback > 0: print('Time taken for 1D FFT-KDE calculation:', round(t1-t0, 1), '(s)') # return _P, _low, _upper
[docs]def kde_parameter_shift_2D_fft(diff_chain, param_names=None, scale=None, nbins=1024, feedback=1, boundary_correction_order=1, mult_bias_correction_order=1, **kwarks): """ Compute the MCMC estimate of the probability of a parameter shift given an input parameter difference chain in 2 dimensions and by using FFT. This function uses GetDist 2D fft and optimal bandwidth estimates to perform the MCMC parameter shift integral discussed in (`Raveri, Zacharegkas and Hu 19 <>`_). :param diff_chain: :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` input parameter difference chain :param param_names: (optional) parameter names of the parameters to be used in the calculation. By default all running parameters. :param scale: (optional) scale for the KDE smoothing. If none is provided the algorithm uses GetDist optimized bandwidth. :param nbins: (optional) number of 2D bins for the fft. Powers of 2 work best. Default is 1024. :param mult_bias_correction_order: (optional) multiplicative bias correction passed to GetDist. See :meth:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples.get2DDensity`. :param boundary_correction_order: (optional) boundary correction passed to GetDist. See :meth:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples.get2DDensity`. :param feedback: (optional) print to screen the time taken for the calculation. :return: probability value and error estimate. :reference: `Raveri, Zacharegkas and Hu 19 <>`_ """ # initialize param names: if param_names is None: param_names = diff_chain.getParamNames().getRunningNames() else: chain_params = diff_chain.getParamNames().list() if not np.all([name in chain_params for name in param_names]): raise ValueError('Input parameter is not in the diff chain.\n', 'Input parameters ', param_names, '\n' 'Possible parameters', chain_params) # check that we only have two parameters: if len(param_names) != 2: raise ValueError('Calling 2D algorithm with more than 2 parameters') # initialize scale: if scale is None or isinstance(scale, str): scale = -1 # indexes: ind = [diff_chain.index[name] for name in param_names] # compute the density with GetDist: t0 = time.time() density = diff_chain.get2DDensity(x=ind[0], y=ind[1], normalized=True, fine_bins_2D=nbins, smooth_scale_2D=scale, boundary_correction_order=boundary_correction_order, mult_bias_correction_order=mult_bias_correction_order) # initialize the spline: density._initSpline() # get density of zero: prob_zero = density.spl([0.], [0.])[0][0] # do the MC integral: probs = density.spl.ev(diff_chain.samples[:, ind[0]], diff_chain.samples[:, ind[1]]) # filter: _filter = probs > prob_zero # if there are samples above zero then use MC: if np.sum(_filter) > 0: _num_filtered = float(np.sum(diff_chain.weights[_filter])) _num_samples = float(np.sum(diff_chain.weights)) _P = float(_num_filtered)/float(_num_samples) _low, _upper = utils.clopper_pearson_binomial_trial(_num_filtered, _num_samples, alpha=0.32) # if there are no samples try to do the integral: else: norm = simps(simps(density.P, density.y), density.x) _second_filter = density.P < prob_zero density.P[_second_filter] = 0 _P = simps(simps(density.P, density.y), density.x)/norm _low, _upper = None, None # t1 = time.time() if feedback > 0: print('Time taken for 2D FFT-KDE calculation:', round(t1-t0, 1), '(s)') # return _P, _low, _upper
@jit(nopython=True) def _ell_helper(_ind, _white_samples, _num_params): """ Small helper for ellipse smoothing """ mats = [] dets = [] for idx in _ind: temp_samp = _white_samples[idx] temp_samp = temp_samp[1:, :] - temp_samp[0, :] mat = np.zeros((_num_params, _num_params)) for v in temp_samp: mat += np.outer(v, v) mats.append(np.linalg.inv(mat)) dets.append(np.linalg.det(mat)) return dets, mats
[docs]def kde_parameter_shift(diff_chain, param_names=None, scale=None, method='neighbor_elimination', feedback=1, **kwargs): """ Compute the KDE estimate of the probability of a parameter shift given an input parameter difference chain. This function uses a Kernel Density Estimate (KDE) algorithm discussed in (`Raveri, Zacharegkas and Hu 19 <>`_). If the difference chain contains :math:`n_{\\rm samples}` this algorithm scales as :math:`O(n_{\\rm samples}^2)` and might require long run times. For this reason the algorithm is parallelized with the joblib library. If the problem is 1d or 2d use the fft algorithm in :func:`kde_parameter_shift_1D_fft` and :func:`kde_parameter_shift_2D_fft`. :param diff_chain: :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` input parameter difference chain :param param_names: (optional) parameter names of the parameters to be used in the calculation. By default all running parameters. :param scale: (optional) scale for the KDE smoothing. The scale is always referred to white samples with unit covariance. If none is provided the algorithm uses MISE estimate. Options are: #. a scalar for fixed scaling over all dimensions; #. a matrix from anisotropic smoothing; #. `MISE`, `AMISE`, `MAX` for the corresponding smoothing scale; #. `BALL` or `ELL` for variable adaptive smoothing with nearest neighbour; :param method: (optional) a string containing the indication for the method to use in the KDE calculation. This can be very intensive so different techniques are provided. #. method = `brute_force` is a parallelized brute force method. This method scales as :math:`O(n_{\\rm samples}^2)` and can be afforded only for small tensions. When suspecting a difference that is larger than 95% other methods are better. #. method = `neighbor_elimination` is a KD Tree based elimination method. For large tensions this scales as :math:`O(n_{\\rm samples}\\log(n_{\\rm samples}))` and in worse case scenarions, with small tensions, this can scale as :math:`O(n_{\\rm samples}^2)` but with significant overheads with respect to the brute force method. When expecting a statistically significant difference in parameters this is the recomended algorithm. Suggestion is to go with brute force for small problems, neighbor elimination for big problems with signifcant tensions. Default is `neighbor_elimination`. :param feedback: (optional) print to screen the time taken for the calculation. :param kwargs: extra options to pass to the KDE algorithm. The `neighbor_elimination` algorithm accepts the following optional arguments: #. stable_cycle: (default 2) number of elimination cycles that show no improvement in the result. #. chunk_size: (default 40) chunk size for elimination cycles. For best perfornamces this parameter should be tuned to result in the greatest elimination rates. #. smallest_improvement: (default 1.e-4) minimum percentage improvement rate before switching to brute force. #. near: (default 1) n-nearest neighbour to use for variable bandwidth KDE estimators. #. near_alpha: (default 1.0) scaling for nearest neighbour distance. :return: probability value and error estimate from binomial. :reference: `Raveri, Zacharegkas and Hu 19 <>`_ """ # initialize param names: if param_names is None: param_names = diff_chain.getParamNames().getRunningNames() else: chain_params = diff_chain.getParamNames().list() if not np.all([name in chain_params for name in param_names]): raise ValueError('Input parameter is not in the diff chain.\n', 'Input parameters ', param_names, '\n' 'Possible parameters', chain_params) # indexes: ind = [diff_chain.index[name] for name in param_names] # some initial calculations: _num_samples = np.sum(diff_chain.weights) _num_params = len(ind) # number of effective samples: _num_samples_eff = np.sum(diff_chain.weights)**2 / \ np.sum(diff_chain.weights**2) # whighten samples: _white_samples = utils.whiten_samples(diff_chain.samples[:, ind], diff_chain.weights) # scale for the kde: distance_weights = None weights_norm = None if (isinstance(scale, str) and scale == 'MISE') or scale is None: scale = MISE_bandwidth_1d(_num_params, _num_samples_eff, **kwargs) elif isinstance(scale, str) and scale == 'AMISE': scale = AMISE_bandwidth(_num_params, _num_samples_eff) elif isinstance(scale, str) and scale == 'MAX': scale = MAX_bandwidth(_num_params, _num_samples_eff) elif isinstance(scale, str) and scale == 'BALL': near = kwargs.pop('near', 1) near_alpha = kwargs.pop('near_alpha', 1.0) data_tree = cKDTree(_white_samples, balanced_tree=True) _dist, _ind = data_tree.query(_white_samples, near+1, workers=-1) distance_weights = np.sqrt(near_alpha)*_dist[:, near] weights_norm = diff_chain.weights/distance_weights**_num_params del(data_tree) elif isinstance(scale, str) and scale == 'ELL': # build tree: data_tree = cKDTree(_white_samples, balanced_tree=True) _dist, _ind = data_tree.query(_white_samples, _num_params+1, workers=-1) del(data_tree) # compute the covariances: dets, mats = _ell_helper(_ind, _white_samples, _num_params) weights_norm = diff_chain.weights/np.sqrt(dets) distance_weights = np.array(mats) elif isinstance(scale, int) or isinstance(scale, float): scale = scale*np.identity(int(_num_params)) elif isinstance(scale, np.ndarray): if not scale.shape == (_num_params, _num_params): raise ValueError('Input scaling matrix does not have correct ' + 'size \n Input shape: '+str(scale.shape) + '\nNumber of parameters: '+str(_num_params)) scale = scale else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized option for scale') # feedback: if feedback > 0: with np.printoptions(precision=3): print(f'Dimension : {int(_num_params)}') print(f'N samples : {int(_num_samples)}') print(f'Neff samples : {_num_samples_eff:.2f}') if not isinstance(scale, str): if np.count_nonzero(scale - np.diag(np.diagonal(scale))) == 0: print(f'Smoothing scale :', np.diag(scale)) else: print(f'Smoothing scale :', scale) elif scale == 'BALL': print(f'BALL smoothing scale') elif scale == 'ELL': print(f'ELL smoothing scale') # prepare the calculation: if not isinstance(scale, str): _kernel_cov = sqrtm(np.linalg.inv(scale)) _white_samples = _log_pdf = _gauss_kde_logpdf _args = _white_samples, diff_chain.weights elif scale == 'BALL': weights_norm = diff_chain.weights/distance_weights**_num_params _log_pdf = _gauss_ballkde_logpdf _args = _white_samples, weights_norm, distance_weights elif scale == 'ELL': _log_pdf = _gauss_ellkde_logpdf _args = _white_samples, weights_norm, distance_weights # probability of zero: _kde_prob_zero = _log_pdf(np.zeros(_num_params), *_args) # compute the KDE: t0 = time.time() if method == 'brute_force': _num_filtered = _brute_force_kde_param_shift(_white_samples, diff_chain.weights, _kde_prob_zero, _num_samples, feedback, weights_norm=weights_norm, distance_weights=distance_weights) elif method == 'neighbor_elimination': _num_filtered = _neighbor_parameter_shift(_white_samples, diff_chain.weights, _kde_prob_zero, _num_samples, feedback, weights_norm=weights_norm, distance_weights=distance_weights, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Unknown method provided:', method) t1 = time.time() # clean up: gc.collect() # feedback: if feedback > 0: print('KDE method:', method) print('Time taken for KDE calculation:', round(t1-t0, 1), '(s)') # probability and binomial error estimate: _P = float(_num_filtered)/float(_num_samples) _low, _upper = utils.clopper_pearson_binomial_trial(float(_num_filtered), float(_num_samples), alpha=0.32) # return _P, _low, _upper