Source code for tensiometer.chains_convergence

This file contains some functions to study convergence of the chains and
to compare the two posteriors.

For test purposes:

from getdist import loadMCSamples, MCSamples, WeightedSamples
chain = loadMCSamples('./test_chains/DES')
chains = chain
param_names = None
import tensiometer.utilities as utils
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensiometer.gaussian_tension as gtens
import tensiometer.tensor_eigenvalues as teig

# initial imports:

import copy
import time
import numpy as np
from getdist import MCSamples

from . import utilities as utils
from . import gaussian_tension as gtens
from . import tensor_eigenvalues as teig

# Helpers for input tests:

def _helper_chains_to_chainlist(chains):
    if isinstance(chains, list):
        for ch in chains:
            if not isinstance(ch, MCSamples):
                raise TypeError('Input list does not contain MCSamples')
        chainlist = chains
    elif isinstance(chains, MCSamples):
        chainlist = utils.get_separate_mcsamples(chains)
        raise TypeError('Input chains is not of MCSamples type nor a \
                         list of chains.')
    # check:
    if len(chainlist) < 2:
        raise ValueError('List of chains has less than two elements.')
    return chainlist

# Gelman Rubin for the means:

[docs]def GR_test(chains, param_names=None): """ Function performing the Gelman Rubin (GR) test (described in `Gelman and Rubin 92 <>`_ and `Brooks and Gelman 98 <>`_) on a list of :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` or on a single :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` with different sub-chains. This test compares the variation of the mean across a pool of chains with the expected variation of the mean under the pdf that is being sampled. If we define the covariance of the mean as: .. math:: C_{ij} \\equiv {\\rm Cov}_c({\\rm Mean}_s(\\theta))_{ij} and the mean covariance as: .. math:: M_{ij} \\equiv {\\rm Mean}_c[{\\rm Cov}_s(\\theta)_{ij}] then we seek to maximize: .. math:: R-1 = {\\rm max_{\\theta}}\\frac{C_{ij} \\theta^i \\theta^j} {M_{ij}\\theta^i \\theta^j} where the subscript :math:`c` means that the statistics is computed across chains while the subscrit :math:`s` indicates that it is computed across samples. In this case the maximization is solved by finding the maximum eigenvalue of :math:`C M^{-1}`. :param chains: single or list of :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` :param param_names: names of the parameters involved in the test. By default uses all non-derived parameters. :returns: value of the GR test and corresponding parameter combination """ # digest chain or chains: chainlist = _helper_chains_to_chainlist(chains) # digest parameter names: for ch in chainlist: param_names = gtens._check_param_names(ch, param_names) # get samples and weights: idx = [ch.index[name] for name in param_names] samples = [ch.samples[:, idx] for ch in chainlist] weights = [ch.weights for ch in chainlist] # return GR_test_from_samples(samples, weights)
[docs]def GR_test_from_samples(samples, weights): """ Lower level function to perform the Gelman Rubin (GR) test. This works on a list of samples from different chains and corresponding weights. Refer to :meth:`tensiometer.chains_convergence.GR_test` for more details of what this function is doing. :param samples: list of samples from different chains :param weights: weights of the samples for each chain :returns: value of the GR test and corresponding parameter combination """ # initialization: num_chains = len(samples) # sum of weights: tot_weights = np.array([np.sum(wh) for wh in weights]) # means and covariances: means = [[ind], samples[ind])/tot_weights[ind] for ind in range(num_chains)] covs = [np.cov(samples[ind].T, aweights=weights[ind], ddof=0) for ind in range(num_chains)] # compute R-1: VM = np.cov(np.array(means).T) MV = np.mean(covs, axis=0) # if VM.ndim == 0: res, mode = VM/MV, np.array([1]) else: eig, eigv = np.linalg.eig(, utils.QR_inverse(MV))) ind = np.argmax(eig) res, mode = np.abs(eig[ind]), np.abs(eigv[:, ind]) # return res, mode
############################################################################### # Gelman Rubin like test for higher moments and in 1D:
[docs]def GRn_test_1D(chains, n, param_name, theta0=None): """ One dimensional higher moments test. Compares the variation of a given moment among the population of chains with the expected variation of that quantity from the samples pdf. This test is defined by: .. math:: R_n(\\theta_0)-1 = \\frac{{\\rm Var}_c ({\\rm Mean}_s(\\theta-\\theta_0)^n)}{{\\rm Mean}_c ({\\rm Var}_s(\\theta-\\theta_0)^n) } where the subscript :math:`c` means that the statistics is computed across chains while the subscrit :math:`s` indicates that it is computed across samples. :param chains: single or list of :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` :param n: order of the moment :param param_name: names of the parameter involved in the test. :param theta0: center of the moments. By default equal to the mean. :returns: value of the GR moment test and corresponding parameter combination (an array with one since this works in 1D) """ # digest chain or chains: chainlist = _helper_chains_to_chainlist(chains) # digest parameter names: param_name = utils.make_list(param_name) for ch in chainlist: param_name = gtens._check_param_names(ch, param_name) if len(param_name) != 1: raise ValueError('GRn_test_1D works for one parameter only.') # get the weights: weights = [ch.weights for ch in chainlist] # get the samples: samples = [ch.samples[:, ch.index[param_name[0]]] for ch in chainlist] # return GRn_test_1D_samples(samples, weights, n, theta0)
[docs]def GRn_test_1D_samples(samples, weights, n, theta0=None): """ Lower level function to compute the one dimensional higher moments test. This works on a list of samples from different chains and corresponding weights. Refer to :meth:`tensiometer.chains_convergence.GRn_test_1D` for more details of what this function is doing. :param samples: list of samples from different chains :param weights: weights of the samples for each chain :param n: order of the moment :param theta0: center of the moments. By default equal to the mean. :returns: value of the GR moment test and corresponding parameter combination (an array with one since this works in 1D) """ # initialize: num_chains = len(samples) # get the weights: tot_weights = np.array([np.sum(wh) for wh in weights]) # get the central samples: if theta0 is None: means = [[ind], samples[ind])/tot_weights[ind] for ind in range(num_chains)] central_samples = [samples[ind] - means[ind] for ind in range(num_chains)] else: central_samples = [samples[ind] - theta0 for ind in range(num_chains)] # compute moments: moments = np.array([[ind], central_samples[ind]**n) / tot_weights[ind] for ind in range(num_chains)]) moments2 = np.array([[ind], central_samples[ind]**(2*n)) / tot_weights[ind] for ind in range(num_chains)]) # return np.var(moments)/(np.mean(moments2-moments**2))
############################################################################### # Gelman Rubin like test for higher moments: def _helper_1(wh, samps, n, temp_EQ): for w, s in zip(wh, samps): res = s for rk in range(n-1): res = np.multiply.outer(res, s) temp_EQ += w*res return temp_EQ/np.sum(wh) def _helper_2(wh, samps, n, temp_VQ, temp_EQ): for w, s in zip(wh, samps): res = s for rk in range(n-1): res = np.multiply.outer(res, s) temp_VQ += w*np.multiply.outer(res-temp_EQ, res-temp_EQ) return temp_VQ/np.sum(wh)
[docs]def GRn_test(chains, n, theta0=None, param_names=None, feedback=0, optimizer='ParticleSwarm', **kwargs): """ Multi dimensional higher order moments convergence test. Compares the variation of a given moment among the population of chains with the expected variation of that quantity from the samples pdf. We first build the :math:`k` order tensor of parameter differences around a point :math:`\\tilde{\\theta}`: .. math:: Q^{(k)} \\equiv Q_{i_1, \\dots, i_k} \\equiv (\\theta_{i_1} -\\tilde{\\theta}_{i_1}) \\cdots (\\theta_{i_k} -\\tilde{\\theta}_{i_k}) then we build the tensor encoding its covariance across chains .. math:: V_M = {\\rm Var}_c (E_s [Q^{(k)}]) which is a :math:`2k`rank tensor of dimension :math:`n` and then build the second tensor encoding the mean in chain moment: .. math:: M_V = {\\rm Mean}_c (E_s[(Q^{(k)}-E_s[Q^{(k)}]) \\otimes(Q^{(k)}-E_s[Q^{(k)}])]) where we have suppressed all indexes to not crowd the notation. Then we maximize over parameters: .. math:: R_n -1 \\equiv {\\rm max}_\\theta \\frac{V_M \\theta^{2k}}{M_V \\theta^{2k}} where :math:`\\theta^{2k}` is the tensor product of :math:`\\theta` for :math:`2k` times. Differently from the 2D case this problem has no solution in terms of eigenvalues of tensors so far and the solution is obtained by numerical minimization with the pymanopt library. :param chains: single or list of :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` :param n: order of the moment :param theta0: center of the moments. By default equal to the mean :param param_names: names of the parameters involved in the test. By default uses all non-derived parameters. :param feedback: level of feedback. 0=no feedback, >0 increasingly chatty :param optimizer: choice of optimization algorithm for pymanopt. Default is ParticleSwarm, other possibility is TrustRegions. :param kwargs: keyword arguments for the optimizer. :returns: value of the GR moment test and corresponding parameter combination """ # if n=1 we return the standard GR test: if n == 1: return GR_test(chains, param_names=param_names) # digest chain or chains: chainlist = _helper_chains_to_chainlist(chains) # digest parameter names: for ch in chainlist: param_names = gtens._check_param_names(ch, param_names) # if there is only one parameter call the specific function: if len(param_names) == 1: return GRn_test_1D(chainlist, n, param_name=param_names), np.array([1]) # get the weights: weights = [ch.weights for ch in chainlist] # get the samples: samples = [ch.samples[:, [ch.index[name] for name in param_names]] for ch in chainlist] # call the samples function: return GRn_test_from_samples(samples, weights, n, theta0=theta0, feedback=feedback, optimizer=optimizer, **kwargs)
[docs]def GRn_test_from_samples(samples, weights, n, theta0=None, feedback=0, optimizer='ParticleSwarm', **kwargs): """ Lower level function to compute the multi dimensional higher moments test. This works on a list of samples from different chains and corresponding weights. Refer to :meth:`tensiometer.chains_convergence.GRn_test` for more details of what this function is doing. :param samples: list of samples from different chains :param weights: weights of the samples for each chain :param n: order of the moment :param theta0: center of the moments. By default equal to the mean :param feedback: level of feedback. 0=no feedback, >0 increasingly chatty :param optimizer: choice of optimization algorithm for pymanopt. Default is ParticleSwarm, other possibility is TrustRegions. :param kwargs: keyword arguments for the optimizer. :returns: value of the GR moment test and corresponding parameter combination """ # initialization: initial_time = time.time() num_chains = len(samples) num_params = samples[0].shape[1] tot_weights = np.array([np.sum(wh) for wh in weights]) # get the central samples: if theta0 is None: means = [[ind], samples[ind])/tot_weights[ind] for ind in range(num_chains)] central_samples = [samples[ind] - means[ind] for ind in range(num_chains)] else: central_samples = [samples[ind] - theta0 for ind in range(num_chains)] # loop over the chains: EQ, VQ = [], [] if feedback > 0: print('Started tensor calculations') for ind in range(num_chains): t0 = time.time() samps = central_samples[ind] wh = weights[ind] # compute expectation of Q: temp_EQ = np.zeros(tuple([num_params for i in range(n)])) temp_EQ = _helper_1(wh, samps, n, temp_EQ) # compute the covariance: temp_VQ = np.zeros(tuple([num_params for i in range(2*n)])) temp_VQ = _helper_2(wh, samps, n, temp_VQ, temp_EQ) # save results: EQ.append(copy.deepcopy(temp_EQ)) VQ.append(copy.deepcopy(temp_VQ)) # feedback: t1 = time.time() if feedback > 0: print('Chain '+str(ind+1)+') time', round(t1-t0, 1), '(s)') # compute statistics over chains: MV = np.mean(VQ, axis=0) VM = np.zeros(tuple([num_params for i in range(2*n)])) temp = np.mean(EQ, axis=0) for temp_EQ in EQ: VM += np.multiply.outer(temp_EQ-temp, temp_EQ-temp) VM = VM/float(len(EQ)) # do the tensor optimization: if optimizer == 'GEAP': results = teig.max_GtRq_geap_power(VM, MV, **kwargs) else: results = teig.max_GtRq_brute(VM, MV, feedback=0, optimizer=optimizer, **kwargs) # finalize: final_time = time.time() if feedback > 0: print('Total time ', round(final_time-initial_time, 1), '(s)') # return results