Source code for tensiometer.utilities

This file contains some utilities that are used in the tensiometer package.

# initial imports:

import numpy as np
import scipy.special
from getdist import MCSamples


[docs]def from_confidence_to_sigma(P): """ Transforms a probability to effective number of sigmas. This matches the input probability with the number of standard deviations that an event with the same probability would have had in a Gaussian distribution as in Eq. (G1) of (`Raveri and Hu 18 <>`_). .. math:: n_{\\sigma}^{\\rm eff}(P) \\equiv \\sqrt{2} {\\rm Erf}^{-1}(P) :param P: the input probability. :return: the effective number of standard deviations. """ if (np.all(P < 0.) or np.all(P > 1.)): raise ValueError('Input probability has to be between zero and one.\n', 'Input value is ', P) return np.sqrt(2.)*scipy.special.erfinv(P)
[docs]def from_sigma_to_confidence(nsigma): """ Gives the probability of an event at a given number of standard deviations in a Gaussian distribution. :param nsigma: the input number of standard deviations. :return: the probability to exceed the number of standard deviations. """ if (np.all(nsigma < 0.)): raise ValueError('Input nsigma has to be positive.\n', 'Input value is ', nsigma) return scipy.special.erf(nsigma/np.sqrt(2.))
[docs]def from_chi2_to_sigma(val, dofs, exact_threshold=6): """ Computes the effective number of standard deviations for a chi squared variable. This matches the probability computed from the chi squared variable to the number of standard deviations that an event with the same probability would have had in a Gaussian distribution as in Eq. (G1) of (`Raveri and Hu 18 <>`_). .. math:: n_{\\sigma}^{\\rm eff}(x, {\\rm dofs}) \\equiv \\sqrt{2} {\\rm Erf}^{-1}({\\rm CDF}(\\chi^2_{\\rm dofs}(x))) For very high statistical significant events this function switches from the direct formula to an accurate asyntotic expansion. :param val: value of the chi2 variable :param dofs: number of degrees of freedom of the chi2 variable :param exact_threshold: (default 6) threshold of value/dofs to switch to the asyntotic formula. :return: the effective number of standard deviations. """ # check: if (np.all(val < 0.)): raise ValueError('Input chi2 value has to be positive.\n', 'Input value is ', val) if (np.all(dofs < 0.)): raise ValueError('Input number of dofs has to be positive.\n', 'Input value is ', dofs) # prepare: x = val/dofs # if value over dofs is low use direct calculation: if x < 6: res = from_confidence_to_sigma(scipy.stats.chi2.cdf(val, dofs)) # if value is high use first order asyntotic expansion: else: lgamma = 2*np.log(scipy.special.gamma(dofs/2.)) res = np.sqrt(dofs*(x + np.log(2)) - (-4 + dofs)*np.log(x*dofs) - 2*np.log(-2 + dofs + x*dofs) + lgamma - np.log(2*np.pi*(dofs*(x + np.log(2)) - np.log(2*np.pi) - (-4 + dofs)*np.log(x*dofs) - 2*np.log(-2 + dofs + x*dofs) + lgamma))) # return res
[docs]def KL_decomposition(matrix_a, matrix_b): """ Computes the Karhunen–Loeve (KL) decomposition of the matrix A and B. \n Notice that B has to be real, symmetric and positive. \n The algorithm is taken from `this link <>`_. The algorithm is NOT optimized for speed but for precision. :param matrix_a: the first matrix. :param matrix_b: the second matrix. :return: the KL eigenvalues and the KL eigenvectors. """ # compute the eigenvalues of b, lambda_b: _lambda_b, _phi_b = np.linalg.eigh(matrix_b) # check that this is positive: if np.any(_lambda_b < 0.): raise ValueError('B is not positive definite\n', 'KL eigenvalues are ', _lambda_b) _sqrt_lambda_b = np.diag(1./np.sqrt(_lambda_b)) _phib_prime =, _sqrt_lambda_b) _a_prime =, matrix_a), _phib_prime) _lambda, _phi_a = np.linalg.eigh(_a_prime) _phi =, _sqrt_lambda_b), _phi_a) return _lambda, _phi
[docs]def QR_inverse(matrix): """ Invert a matrix with the QR decomposition. This is much slower than standard inversion but has better accuracy for matrices with higher condition number. :param matrix: the input matrix. :return: the inverse of the matrix. """ _Q, _R = np.linalg.qr(matrix) return, np.linalg.inv(_R.T))
[docs]def clopper_pearson_binomial_trial(k, n, alpha=0.32): """ alpha confidence intervals for a binomial distribution of k expected successes on n trials. :param k: number of success. :param n: total number of trials. :param alpha: (optional) confidence level. :return: lower and upper bound. """ lo = scipy.stats.beta.ppf(alpha/2, k, n-k+1) hi = scipy.stats.beta.ppf(1 - alpha/2, k+1, n-k) return lo, hi
[docs]def get_separate_mcsamples(chain): """ Function that returns separate :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` for each sampler chain. :param chain: :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` the input chain. :return: list of :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` with the separate chains. """ # get separate chains: _chains = chain.getSeparateChains() # copy the param names and ranges: _mc_samples = [] for ch in _chains: temp = MCSamples() temp.paramNames = chain.getParamNames() temp.setSamples(ch.samples, weights=ch.weights, loglikes=ch.loglikes) temp.sampler = chain.sampler temp.ranges = chain.ranges temp.updateBaseStatistics() _mc_samples.append(temp.copy()) # return _mc_samples
[docs]def bernoulli_thin(chain, temperature=1, num_repeats=1): """ Function that thins a chain with a Bernoulli process. :param chain: :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` the input chain. :param temperature: temperature of the Bernoulli process. If T=1 then this produces a unit weight chain. :param num_repeats: number of repetitions of the Bernoulli process. :return: a :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` chain with the reweighted chain. """ # check input: # get the trial vector: test = np.log(chain.weights / np.sum(chain.weights)) new_weights = np.exp((1. - temperature) * test) test = temperature*(test - np.amax(test)) # do the trial: _filter = np.zeros(len(test)).astype(np.bool) _sample_repeat = np.zeros(len(test)).astype( for i in range(num_repeats): _temp = np.random.binomial(1, np.exp(test)) _sample_repeat += _temp.astype( _filter = np.logical_or(_filter, _temp.astype(np.bool)) new_weights = _sample_repeat*new_weights # filter the chain: chain.setSamples(samples=chain.samples[_filter, :], weights=new_weights[_filter], loglikes=chain.loglikes[_filter]) # update: chain._weightsChanged() chain.updateBaseStatistics() # return chain
[docs]def random_samples_reshuffle(chain): """ Performs a coherent random reshuffle of the samples. :param chain: :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` the input chain. :return: a :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` chain with the reshuffled chain. """ # check input: # get the reshuffling vector: _reshuffle_indexes = np.arange(len(chain.weights)) np.random.shuffle(_reshuffle_indexes) # filter the chain: chain.setSamples(samples=chain.samples[_reshuffle_indexes, :], weights=chain.weights[_reshuffle_indexes], loglikes=chain.loglikes[_reshuffle_indexes]) # update: chain._weightsChanged() chain.updateBaseStatistics() # return chain
# ***************************************************************************************
[docs]def make_list(elements): """ Checks if elements is a list. If yes returns elements without modifying it. If not creates and return a list with elements inside. :param elements: an element or a list of elements :return: a list containing elements. """ if isinstance(elements, (list, tuple)): return elements else: return [elements]